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Kliniek aan de Maas specializes in filler treatments, which are performed as safely as possible using the highest quality products. Our staff receive ongoing training to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. If you have questions about a treatment, make an appointment and ask your questions during a consultation.

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Treatment process


During a consultation, you will meet the practitioner(s) and discuss your wishes and expectations. This includes an assessment of the natural aging process of the bone structures, fat, and muscle tissue, as well as the skin. Based on this analysis and photos, a tailored treatment plan will be developed to guarantee the best possible result. You will always receive honest and complete advice.


Fillers restore volume in areas where it has diminished due to aging. They can also be used to add volume for better symmetry and balance, a process often referred to as beautification. We can add volume to sunken cheeks, drooping mouth corners, and a sagging jawline. These treatments are performed based on an overall impression of your face rather than isolated zones. A lifting effect for the entire face can be achieved with a liquid facelift. All treatments are carried out in a way that minimizes the risk of bruising.


Fillers are used for:

  • Forehead contours and lines  
  • Crow's feet  
  • Extended crow's feet  
  • Smoker's lines around the mouth  
  • Correction of the nose contour  
  • Nasolabial folds  
  • Volume restoration of earlobes  
  • Lip volume  
  • Lip contour  
  • Marionette lines/drooping mouth corners  
  • Grooves and/or dimples in the chin  
  • Horizontal lip lines  
  • Horizontal neck lines  
  • Décolletage lines/wrinkles


The results of most fillers are immediately visible. The effect lasts for 6 to 24 months, depending on the type of filler used and the area of application. Biostimulants/collagen stimulators also provide an additional volume effect in the months following the treatment.

Before treatment

Before a treatment, you will have an intake session that includes a health screening. During the intake, the area to be treated and the treatment method will be determined. You will also be informed about the pre- and post-care associated with the treatment. You should not consume alcohol 24 hours before the treatment, and we advise stopping fish oil capsules a week prior to reduce the risk of bruising. Additionally, your medical history will be reviewed before the treatment.

Upon arrival, you will be greeted at the reception. The receptionist ensures the correct and safe processing of your information. If necessary, photos will be taken for your file. You will then take a seat in our waiting area, where your practitioner will collect you. You may also sit here if you wish to wait a bit after your treatment before heading home. A filler treatment takes between 15 and 60 minutes, depending on the extent of the procedure.

We kindly ask you not to wear makeup when you come for a treatment.


Important Things to Know:

  • The result may or may not be immediately visible, depending on the filler used.
  • The optimal result is usually visible after a few days, once any side effects such as swelling, bruising, redness, itching, and sensitivity have subsided.
  • The effects of the first treatment typically last between 6 and 24 months, making it temporary. The duration depends on the filler used.
  • Not everyone reacts the same way to the product; the longevity of the effects can vary significantly from person to person. If you feel that the effect of a particular product lasts shorter than expected, discuss this with your practitioner during your next treatment.

Some Guidelines to Follow After the Treatment:

Sunbathing, facial massages, and the use of makeup, scrubs, peels, saunas, or tanning beds are not recommended in the first few days after the treatment.

  • In the first two weeks after the treatment, it is advisable to avoid connective tissue massages or visits to the dental hygienist, dentist, or oral surgeon.

How long do fillers last?

The duration for which the optimal results of fillers are visible varies from person to person and depends on several factors. These factors include the type of filler, the thickness of the filler, the location of the filler, your metabolism, and your lifestyle.

For instance, if you use lip fillers, these consist of a thin filler applied in a dynamic area, resulting in a shorter duration of visible effects compared to fillers in areas like the tear trough.

On average, you can enjoy the effects of your fillers for nine to twelve months. To maximize the longevity of your fillers, consider the following factors:

  • Protect your skin and use the appropriate skincare products.
  • Eat healthily
  • Quit smoking
  • If you notice that the fillers in the treated area are wearing off, schedule a follow-up appointment. To maintain the most natural result, it’s advisable to plan a touch-up before the fillers are completely dissolved.


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